Two-dimensional Bragg resonators with the coupling of TE- and TM-polarised waves are proposed. The selective properties of such resonators are analysed. Within the semiclassical approach, the nonlinear dynamics of laser radiation with a two-dimensional (in the xy plane) distributed feedback is studied, at which TE-polarised waves, propagating in the ±z directions, are amplified in the active medium (in particular, based on quantum wells). The latter, on a two-dimensional Bragg structure, are scattered into TM-polarised waves propagating in the ±x directions. These partial wave flows do not interact with the active medium but provide the spatial radiation synchronisation. The conditions of the solution self-similarity are obtained with increasing the dimensions of the active medium and the corresponding increase in the integral output power. It is shown that when an additional end mirror is mounted, almost unidirectional radiation coupling can be realised.