The conference covered the whole field of condensed matter physics, i.e., solid state physics and similar properties of liquid, polymer, etc., substances. A special effort was made to include the physics of industrial applications (but not device engineering).
The purpose of this series of Annual General Condensed Matter Division Conferences of the European Physical Society is to
provide a European forum for current research in condensed matter physics and to encourage international co-operation in the field.
Details of the next two conferences in the series are given below.
The format of the conference followed the first in the current series held at Antwerp 1980, with plenary talks, invited speakers
grouped in symposia, individual invited talks, and contributed papers in parallel sessions and poster sessions.
A large number (fifty-seven) of invited talks formed an important aspect of the conference because they promote interchange
between specialists and cross-fertilisation of ideas. In that sense the General Conference of the EPS Condensed Matter Division
complemented the many topical conferences successfully run throughout Europe.
Future Conferences in this series are planned to be held annually in the spring
1983 Lausanne, Switzerland, 28-30 March 1983
Chairman: Professor E. Mooser
lnstitut de Physique Appliquée
PHB - Ecublens
CH - 101 5 Lausanne
1984 den Haag, the Netherlands, 19-23 March 1984
Chairman: Professor F. M. Mueller,
Faculteit der Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Katholieke Universiteit
NL - 6525 ED Nijmegen
The Netherlands