The Fourth International Workshop on Inelastic Ion–Surface Collisions was held at Hindsgavl Manor near Middelfart, Denmark from 21 to 24 September 1982, following previous workshops held in Murray Hill, New Jersey (1976), Hamilton, Ontario (1978) and Feldkirchen-Westerham, Bavaria (1980). Like in the previous meetings, the underlying idea was to gather a moderately small group of researchers to discuss fundamental physical and chemical problems in a number of areas that are related, but are normally represented at separate conferences focusing on different aspects.
The area of inelastic ion–surface collisions has a wide diversity of applications ranging from surface analysis by particle impact through microelectronic and controlled thermonuclear fusion devices to biomolecule identification and solar wind effects in planetary space. There are strong links to surface science and atomic collision physics and their respective applications. The present series of workshops is an attempt to focus on fundamental problems common to all these areas and thus to provide a forum for fruitful interaction.
At Middelfart, we were lucky to have an exceptional number of well-presented and stimulating summary talks covering a rather broad range of fundamental processes with the emphasis shifting back and forth between collisional and surface aspects. Moreover, there was a wealth of short contributions on current research, of which many were submitted to the present proceedings. Thanks to the speakers, an active audience, and considerate session chairmen, we had extensive and lively but friendly discussions in an always stimulating atmosphere.
This volume contains 11 of 13 invited papers and 15 of the 30 contributions presented orally at the workshop. It should, like the proceedings of the previous workshops, give a balanced survey of the current status of the field, with a slight bias toward recent developments like those in the theory of charge states of sputtered atoms, and others. All papers have undergone a normal, and occasionally extensive, refereeing procedure.
In the midst of the editing process, I received the news that one of the invited speakers, Morton Traum of Bell Laboratories, had died at age 41 on 1 December, 1982 in Stoughton, Wisconsin. Mort had delivered a superb talk on Desorption and Sputtering by Electronic Processes and had been one of the most active participants and perhaps the most broadly oriented one of the workshop. His intense curiosity and serene charm, combined with a solid background in all parts of surface science, contributed stimulating ideas to most of the topics discussed.
In preparing the workshop, I got much useful advice and constructive criticism from the members of the international committee. The assistance of the members of the local committee, Nils Andersen, Flemming Besenbacher, Jens Nørskov and Jens Onsgaard, as well as Erling Hartmann, Tove Nyberg and my wife Pia was instrumental at various stages before, during and after the workshop. Generous funding was received from the Office of Naval Research, the Danish Natural Science Research Council, NORDITA, the Nordic Accelerator Committee, the Research Foundation of Odense University and the Danish Provincial Bank. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the professional service of the Hindsgavl Conference Center and the smooth cooperation with Dr N R Nilsson, executive editor of Physica Scripta.