The 20th annual conference of EGAS (European Group for Atomic Spectroscopy) was hosted by the Institut für Experimentalphysik, Technische Universität Graz, Austria, from 12–15 July 1988. About 250 spectroscopists from 25 countries attended the meeting. The program consisted of 13 survey lectures by invited speakers and of 195 contributed papers, presented as posters or orally. Eleven of the invited lectures have been prepared for publication by the authors and are presented in this issue of Physica Scripta. On the occasion of the 20th anniversary an additional contribution concerning the history of EGAS, written by Professor Dr P F A Klinkenberg (one of the founders of EGAS) is included in these proceedings.
Symbol of the meeting: Spectrum of the Balmer-line Hβ in an electric field. The field strength increases along the z-axis up to a maximum of 900 kV/cm and then decreases again to zero. L Windholz, 1976