This Topical Issue of Physica Scripta is dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén (1908–1995). In order to review the state-of-the-art on Alfvén waves in cosmic and laboratory plasmas, an International Workshop on Alfvén Waves was organized at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Brazil, during November 8–10, 1994. The Alfvén waves that Professor Alfvén predicted in the 1940s are of fundamental importance to laboratory plasma physics, space plasma physics, and plasma astrophysics. It is remarkable that after half a century of its discovery, the subject of Alfvén waves is still an active area of research in all branches
of plasma physics.
This Topical Issue consists of invited lectures delivered at the International Workshop on Alfvén Waves. In addition, a number of leading experts on Alfvén waves have been invited to contribute papers to this special issue. With the assistance of these colleagues, this issue has a good coverage of most aspects of Alfvén wave research today.
The workshop was made possible by the kind support of Professor H Cordeiro (Rector of UERJ), Miss G S Dutra (Workshop Secretary), the State University of Rio de Janeiro and the Research Foundation of State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ).