The informal meeting of Nordic semiconductor scientists and engineers, more than 30 years ago in Finland, has developed
into a biannual Nordic Semiconductor Meeting. With increasing number of participants and broadening fields of interest,
the Nordic Semi-conductor Meeting has become international; first with participants from Baltic countries and from St.
Peterburg, and then from all over the world. The present 17th Nordic Semiconductor Meeting has record high 161 partici-
pants and 30 invited speakers from 21 countries.
The scientific programme of the 17th Nordic Semiconductor Meeting is well balanced between science and technology,
between basic research and industrial application, and between materials fabrication, experimental characterization, theoretical analysis and device design. The 30 invited lectures, 60 oral contributions, and 46 poster contributions cover important topics in theory, experiments, devices and sensors, materials, and modelling. A particular feature of the present Meeting
is the special session "Microelectronic Technologies" with 4 invited speakers to give overview of the semiconductor industrial research activities in the Nordic countries. The 17th Nordic Semiconductor Meeting has delivered undoubtedly the
message that today's science, which is based on today's technology, is tomorrow's technology.
We thank all the participants for their contributions, and we are grateful to the sponsors Nordita and NorFA. The
opening lecture of the Meeting was given by Professor Hermann G. Grimmeiss, to whom the 17th Nordic Semiconductor
Meeting was dedicated for his important contribution to the development of semiconductor sciences and technologies in
the Nordic countries.
Trondheim, November 7, 1996