These proceedings contain the papers presented at the Eighth International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged
Ions (HCI-96) which was held on September 23–26, 1996 in Omiya, Saitama, Japan, hosted by the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN). The first conference of this series was held in Stockholm, Sweden in 1982. The subject was the "Production and Physics of Highly Charged Ions". The conference has since been held every other year; in Oxford, UK
(1984), Groningen, the Netherlands (1986), Grenoble, France (1988), Giessen, Germany (1990), Manhattan, Kansas, USA
(1992) and Vienna, Austria (1994).
When the first conference of this series was held, various highly charged ions were available from many heavy ion
accelerators, which had been constructed since the 1960's, and ion sources such as EBIS and ECRIS, which were then new
facilities. Subsequently, many other experimental techniques have been developed to study or to control highly charged
ions, such as ion traps, EBIT's, storage rings, high-brilliance synchrotron radiation, and so forth. Now the properties of
highly charged ions themselves and their interactions with various kinds of materials can be studied systematically using
ions of any element at various collision energies. These studies will result in a deeper insight into their nature as well as
giving us important basic data for use in the fields closely related to atomic physics.
About 190 scientists from 18 countries registered at the HCI-96. The number of invited talks was 21 and that of contrib-
uted papers 215. In these proceedings, 20 papers of invited talks and 116 papers on contributions are included. They are
classified into categories of "Structure and Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Ions and Fundamental Aspects", "Highly
Charged Ions in Plasmas and Strong Fields", "Interactions of Highly Charged Ions with Atoms and Ions", "Dynamic
Processes Related to Molecules and Clusters", "Interactions of Highly Charged Ions with Surfaces and Solids" and "Pro-
duction and Utilization of Highly Charged Ions and Experimental Methods".
The success of this HCI-96 is based on the wide-ranging experience inherited from the organizers of previous HCI
conferences, the contribution of the International Advisory Committee members who decided on the invited speakers, the
excellent talks by invited speakers and steering by session chairpersons as well as the considerable efforts of the chairper-
sons who chose the talks and posters for "Selected Topics" and "Selected Posters", and the eager presentations and dis-
cussions by all the participants. Last, but not least, we also owe much of the success of this conference to our sponsors.
The impression of the HCI-96, apart from the scientific interests, may have been further emphasized by the typhoon that
attacked the Tokyo area on September 22 causing considerable confusion to flights and traffic. We hope this mischief of
nature was compensated for by the half-day trip to the old city of Kawagoe, which is called small Edo (the old name of
Tokyo in the period of Tokugawa Shogunate), where we also enjoyed dance and music inherited from the Edo period.
The next International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions will be organized by Prof. Paul Mokler of GSI
and his colleagues. We hope we can all meet again in 1998 at Bensheim, Germany.
Finally, we thank MS Kazuko Kobayashi of the Library Division, RIKEN, for her invaluable assistance in the prep-
aration of this publication.