Electron impact ionization cross sections σq,q+n for gallium ions have been measured for the reaction e + Gaq+ → Ga(q+n)+ + (n + 1)e for single (n = 1, q = 1, 3, 8) and triple (n = 3, q = 3, 4) ionization. The measurements have been performed using the crossed-beams technique in an energy range from the respective ionization threshold up to 1 keV, partly up to 6 keV.
The cross sections for single ionization of ions in the charge state q = 1 and 3 show contributions below the ground state threshold caused by ionization of ions in excited, long-lived states in the parent ion beam. The cross sections are compared with the semiempirical Lotz formula.
The cross section for Ga4+ triple ionization shows contributions from inner-shell processes. Semiempirical formulae are in good agreement with the experimental data only at energies below the cross section maximum.