Organizing the 35th Conference of the European Group of Atomic Spectroscopy was a very exciting experience. We felt from the participants that this event, involving around 200 scientists with a participation of 10–15% young PhD students, was successful. The scientific program was established on the basis of 15 plenary sessions given by the invited speakers and 40 talks organized in 14 sessions. 130 communications were presented in two separate poster sessions covering Atomic, Molecular and Optical Sciences in a wide sense—more specifically: the structure of atoms and molecules, theory, atomic and molecular spectra and interactions with photons, instruments and techniques, collision processes, quantum optics, cold atoms and molecules, laser spectroscopy and applications, highly charged ions and x-ray spectroscopy, plasma physics, physics of clusters, etc.
All the abstracts have been collected in the Europhysics Conference Abstracts booklet. The present proceedings collect the invited speakers' contributions. Convincing them to write their contribution is one thing but getting their contribution in final form is another. We are very grateful to the invited speakers who kindly accepted to contribute to the present Physica Scripta Topical Issue.
We would like to warmly thank our colleagues and very good friends, Michel Carleer, Michel Herman, Daniel
Hurtmans, Jacky Liévin, Jean Vander Auwera, from the `Service de Chimie quantique et Photophysique' of Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), for their role in the `local organizing committee', but also Emile Biémont (UMH/ULg), Henri-Pierre Garnir (ULg) and Pascal Quinet (UMH/ULg) who gave us a tremendous help in setting the final program and in editing the EPS abstracts booklet. Thanks also to Paul Geerlings (VUB), Renaat Gijbels (UIA) and Bernard Piraux (UCL) who also contributed to the success of the 35th EGAS conference by attending our `National committee' meetings from which helpful guidelines emerged. Michelle Leclercq, Athéna Rizopoulos, Sophie Fally, Brigitte Foucart, Pierre-François Coheur and Xavier Dimartinelli have helped us a lot in solving hundreds of practical problems, before and during the event. Thanks also to Raymond Pétrisse, Jean-Pierre Walgraeve and the PhD students for their kind assistance, in particular to Emilie Cauët and Nathalie Rinskopf at the registration desk.
The role of the international EGAS board members was crucial too, not only in guiding the choice of the invited
speakers, but also in following the conference organization on a regular basis.
The 35th EGAS conference got the label of `Europhysics Conference' from the European Physical Society that
supported the participation of nine young physicists through the Young Physicists Fund and the East West Fund. We had the honour to have Prof. Martin C E Huber, chairman of the EPS, with us and it was a pleasure to listen to his kind and encouraging words at the official conference opening time.
The 35th EGAS conference budget was balanced, thanks to the support of the Fonds National de la Recherche
Scientifique (FNRS), the Nationaal Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO), the Ministère de la Communauté française de Belgique, the Ministère de la Région Bruxelles-Capitale, Brussels City, the Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique and the Société Royale de Chimie.
There is a french proverb Jamais deux sans trois. Hopefully, we have not yet reached the point of agreeing to organize a second EGAS meeting in Brussels, although we really enjoyed in organizing the 35th edition.