The relic cosmic background neutrinos accompanying the cosmic microwave background
(CMB) photons may hide a universal lepton asymmetry orders of magnitude
larger than the universal baryon asymmetry. At present, the only direct way to
probe such an asymmetry is through its effect on the abundances of the light
elements produced during primordial nucleosynthesis. The relic light element
abundances also depend on the baryon asymmetry, parameterized by the baryon
density parameter () and on the early-universe expansion rate, parameterized by the expansion rate factor (
) or, equivalently, by the effective number of neutrinos (
). We use data from the CMB (and large scale structure: LSS) along with
the observationally inferred relic abundances of deuterium and helium-4
to provide new bounds on the universal lepton asymmetry, finding for
ηL, the analog
of ηB,0.072 ± 0.053 if it is
assumed that Nν = 3
and, 0.115 ± 0.095
along with Nν = 3.3−0.6+0.7, if Nν
is free to vary.