Computer simulations of β-hairpin folding are relatively difficult, especially those based on the explicit water model. This greatly limits the complete analysis and understanding of their folding mechanisms. In this paper, we use the generalized Born/solvent accessible implicit solvent model to simulate the folding processes of a nine-residue β-hairpin. We find that the β-hairpin can fold into its native structure very easily, even using the traditional molecular dynamics method. This allows us to extract 21 complete folding events and investigate the folding process sufficiently. Our results show that there exist four most stable states on the free energy landscape of the short peptide, one native state and three intermediates. We find that two of the non-native stable states have almost the same potential energy as the native state but with lower entropy. This suggests that the native state can be stabilized entropically. Furthermore, we find that the folding processes of this peptide have common features: to fold into its native state, the peptide undergoes a continuous collapsing–extending–recollapsing process to adjust the positions of the side chains in order to form the native middle inter-strand hydrogen bonds. The formations of these bonds are the key step of the folding process. Once these bonds are formed, the peptide can fold into the native state quickly.