Nicolet Instruments has introduced a new scries of high-performance, fully upgradable FT-IR spectrometers for near, mid, far and FT Raman applications. The Nexus scries has a choice of seven patented smart sampling accessories including Graseby Spccac's Smart Golden Gate diamond ATR (attenuated total reflectance) that can be used with both Nexus and Avitar spectrometers. The diamond ATR is chemically inert and allows up to 200 pounds of pressure to be applied to the sample, maximizing optical contact. The ATR also allows microsamples such as fibres and forensics to be analysed. OMNIC software automatically recognizes the accessories allowing the system to be optimized for high throughput and performance. The Nexus Smart system automatically links the spectrometer, sampling accessory, software and spectral information, and a Smart Purge feature maintains purge while samples and accessories are changed. The instruments feature plug-andplay beam splitters, detectors and sources that are claimed to allow a wide range of spectral ranges to be interchanged within seconds. A high-precision cast optical frame ensures that results are reproducible over time, and all optical components are pinned-in-place so that the device can be easily upgraded. The platform can be used for complementary techniques including IR microscopy, GC/IR, LC/IR, TGA/IR and FT Raman, as well as step-scan and time-resolved spectroscopy.