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The mechanism of synchronization in feed-forward neuronal networks


Published 31 January 2008 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Focus on Heart and Mind Citation S Goedeke and M Diesmann 2008 New J. Phys. 10 015007DOI 10.1088/1367-2630/10/1/015007



Synchronization in feed-forward subnetworks of the brain has been proposed to explain the precisely timed spike patterns observed in experiments. While the attractor dynamics of these networks is now well understood, the underlying single neuron mechanisms remain unexplained. Previous attempts have captured the effects of the highly fluctuating membrane potential by relating spike intensity f(U) to the instantaneous voltage U generated by the input. This article shows that f is high during the rise and low during the decay of U(t), demonstrating that the -dependence of f, not refractoriness, is essential for synchronization. Moreover, the bifurcation scenario is quantitatively described by a simple relationship. These findings suggest as the relevant model class for the investigation of neural synchronization phenomena in a noisy environment.

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