The purpose of this research to explore the impact of parental involvement on the academic achievement of students at Crescent International School and to determine whether the demographic variable of parents has an effect on their involvement in their children's education. In addition, the study sought to examine what existing literature review found on the relation between parental involvement and children's academic achievement. The present study was carried out at Crescent International School in Bangkok, Thailand. The responses of 12 parents, whose children are enrolled in secondary level, were taken as samples for the current study. The Intensity Sampling Technique was used in this research. A questionnaire about demographics of parents was distributed and interviews were conducted to assess the level of parent involvement. To find out student achievement level, the students results were used. The qualitative method was used to gauge the impact of parental involvement on students' academic achievement. The results revealed that parental income level has no impact on the level of involvement in their children's education. However, educational level, age, employment and marital status of the parents had greater impact on parental involvement. The main findings of this research indicated that students with highly involved parents had better academic performance and higher test scores in all the subjects compared to students whose parents were not involved in their education. the findings, suggested that parents should grow more awareness on the importance of visiting and supporting their children in school. It was also recommended that parents should take an active role in assisting their children's education at school and at home since they are the first teachers of their children.

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Conference organizers can use our online form and we will get in touch with a quote and further details.Ibrahima Naite 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 690 012064
Anna F Rusydi 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 118 012019
Conductivity (EC) and total dissolved solids (TDS) are water quality parameters, which are used to describe salinity level. These two parameters are correlated and usually expressed by a simple equation: TDS = k EC (in 25 °C). The process of obtaining TDS from water sample is more complex than that of EC. Meanwhile, TDS analysis is very important because it can illustrate groundwater quality, particularly in understanding the effect of seawater intrusion better than EC analysis. These conditions make research in revealing TDS/EC ratios interesting to do. By finding the ratio value, TDS concentration can be measured easily from EC value. However, the ratio cannot be defined easily. Previous research results have found that the correlation between TDS and EC are not always linear. The ratio is not only strongly influenced by salinity contents, but also by materials contents. Furthermore, the analysis of TDS concentration from EC value can be used to give an overview of water quality. For more precision, TDS concentrations need to be analyzed using the gravimetric method in the laboratory.
Kehinde Adeseye Adeyeye et al 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 801 012020
In this paper, we examine existing literature on the way that the number of blades of a wind turbine affects its efficiency and power generation. A wind turbine blade is an important component of a clean energy system because of its ability to capture energy from the wind. The power that a wind turbine extracts from the wind is directly proportional to the swept area of the blades; consequently, the blades have a direct effect on power generation. The number and configuration of the blades is very important because it affects the speed and efficiency of turbine. Unfortunately, as the number of blades increases, so does the slipstream effect. Too few a number of blades results in poor efficiency and thus inadequate performance. Too large a number of blades increases weight and production cost. The correct number of blades is important to fit the generator performance curve to optimize overall turbine performance and efficiency.
Markhaban Siswanto et al 2024 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1321 012009
During the rainy season, there are still puddles of water in the village due to overflowing rivers and flooding due to landslides of embankments. Therefore, it is necessary to control the water and handle it quickly and precisely. Emergency Weir, which is ready to be installed, can be used to overcome this problem. It is named Knock Down Weir as Emergency Weirs that are effective, efficient, practical, can be arranged vertically, horizontally, can be stored and reassembled with 4 Forms of Arrangement and proven by Stability value > 1.5 based on the test on the support of wall roughness: hard stone, gravel, sand, clay and using Matlab application analysis. The simulation uses a model arrangement, namely: 1). Model L filled with sand + water; 2). The model I filled with sand + water; 3). Model L filled with water; 4). Model L filled with water. The result based on the Matlab application is obtained that the arrangement of model no. 1 (L shape) is the most stable against hard rock, gravel, sand and clay as support.
Ni Putu Ermi Hikmawanti et al 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 755 012060
Katuk is widely popular with its benefits for breastfeeding mothers. Katuk is also known as a plant with a high antioxidant content. This study aims to determine the effect of using variations in the ethanol concentration as an extracting solvent in producing Total Phenolics Content (TPC) and Total Flavonoids Content (TFC) and their activities in reducing DPPH free radicals. The dried katuk leaves were extracted by cold maceration method. The solvent used for extraction is ethanol with 3 variations in concentration: 50%, 70%, and 96% (absolute ethanol). TPC and TFC were determined by colorimetric method using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. TPC was stated to be equivalent to gallic acid, while TFC was stated to be equivalent to quercetin. DPPH free radical scavenging activity was measured based on the IC50 value. The results showed that Katuk leaf extract produced from 50% ethanol solvent was able to produce TPC (42.18 ± 0.30 mg GAE / g), TFC (11.18 ± 0.38 mg QE / g) and reduction activity against DPPH radicals (IC50 = 88.33 ± 3.53 ppm). These were higher than ethanol with other concentrations. However, various things need to be considered when using this solvent given the high water content in the solvent.
Mohammed Masum and Md. Ali Akbar 2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 249 012020
Geothermal or earth's heat is a thermal energy dominant countries have been located along the plate boundaries where volcanism or earthquakes are concentrated. One of the world largest geothermal activities has been found in the region of Pacific Ring of Fire/ROF. More than 40% geothermal energy resources are stored in that region. The Ring of Fire that rims the Pacific Ocean and is bounded by Japan, the Philippines, the Aleutian Islands, North America, Central America, and South America etc. United States is still global geothermal energy leader which are located in that volcanic belt, Philippines is second-largest geothermal energy producer in the world, Japan is currently large geothermal power producer in the world, Indonesia that has around 29000 MW of untapped geothermal power. Most of the countries of that region have been stored huge geothermal energy resources. The above explanation of geothermal energy resources of Pacific Ring of Fire which working as a home country of geothermal resources in the world.
Robert Devi Anugrah et al 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 755 012001
The large demand for cayenne pepper makes farmers need to make efforts to increase crop production by increasing the efficiency of using fertilizers. The alternative fertilizer comes from household waste, namely egg shells. This study aims to determine the effect of eggshell organic fertilizer on vegetative growth of cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.). The research method used was an experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 6 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments were P0 (control), P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5 respectively, the treatment of eggshell organic fertilizer with a dose of 0; 45; 60; 75; 90; and 105 g. The treatments were given 3 days after transplanting and harvesting the plants 35 days after transplanting. Data for each parameter was tested for normality, homogeneity test, and analyzed by 1 factor ANOVA. Furthermore, the LSD test was carried out to determine the difference in effect between treatments. The best application of eggshell organic fertilizer was P4 treatment for parameters of root length and plant wet weight, respectively, 20.10 cm and 17.96 g, and P5 treatment for parameters of plant height and plant dry weight, respectively 54.80 cm and 3.00 g. The percentage of root length and wet weight of P4 treatment plants to control were 130.52% and 269.67%, respectively, while the percentage of plant height and dry weight of P5 treatment plants to control were 139.79% and 282.49%, respectively. The application of eggshell organic fertilizer can increase the vegetative growth of cayenne pepper.
Daniel Collin G. Jornales 2023 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1199 012029
Through the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) Model, the paper was designed to answer five (5) questions: (a) What are the factors affecting the decision of the Filipinos in buying refrigerators?; (b) What are the reasons that encourage Filipinos to purchase refrigerators?; (c) What is the relationship between energy labels and the purchasing behavior of the Filipinos?; (d) What are the internal and external referents associated in purchasing behavior?; and (e) How do socio-demographics affect the purchasing behavior? SOR explains that several external aspects can act as a stimulus which influences a person's internal state, referring to the organism, which will result to certain behavioral response. The prevailing motivation of consumers rely on their hedonic behavior which attributes with the experiences of sensory appeals including emotion and gratification The study suggests that the consumers lack ample knowledge and capacity to use their familiarity and awareness on the existence of energy labels on making sound decisions when purchasing refrigerators. The importance of energy labels was being set aside by the consumers when being conflicted with the product's brand, features, and aesthetics. Subsequent interventions of government may be necessary in order to address the gap between the consumers purchasing motivation and purchasing behavior. The intensification of information campaign and supporting policies may provide avenue to ensure that consumers are empowered on choosing energy efficient appliances. Furthermore, the development of a comprehensive communication plan that will cut across sector may address the concerns on the appliances acquisition of the Filipinos.
Shiyong Liu 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 692 022103
Tesla's rapid rise to become one of the world's most influential automakers has marked the start of a new era in the global automobile industry, where many of the traditional auto companies were overshadowed by Tesla's dominance. Judging from Politics, Economy, Society and Technology perspectives, Tesla's market value can potentially be overvalued due to its leading role in the Electrical vehicle market. Economically, Tesla facilities the growth of global economy by creating more employments and manufacturing factories. Socially and politically, Tesla's Electrical Vehicle reduces the level of negative externalities (e.g., pollution), which aligns with the developmental frameworks proposed by governmental policies and regulations. Meanwhile in technological aspect, Tesla pioneers the innovative design of battery pack to reduce the overall cost of battery and seeks to integrate better automatic driving system into electrical vehicle. Given those merits of Tesla, overoptimism on its stock price is expected. Therefore, it is important for stock traders who are willing to throw money at Tesla to ruminate over their choices before making the investment. In this study, the results of valuation methods indicate that true market value of Tesla has been overestimated due to its irregularly high operating cash flow, price-to-earnings ratio and enterprise value to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization ratio, suggesting its stock price is overvalued.
M Aminyoto and S Ismail 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 144 012003
Nigella sativa L. (NS) from Ranunculaceae family is known as black cumin in Indonesia. The seed has been used as an aphrodisiac in ethnobotanical studies and reported to have pharmacological activities such as antihypertensive through the relaxant effect of vascular smooth muscles but the direct effect to the blood vessels of the corpus cavernosum is still unknown. The purpose of this study was to examine the response of NS seed extract on penile erection in vitro. NS seeds were macerated in ethanol solvent for three days in room temperature and repeated for two times. Penile erection responses was assessed using isolated rat corpus cavernosum in Krebs-Henseleit solution, temperature 37°C, pH 7.4, aerated with carbogen gas. After acclimation, corpus cavernosum was contracted with a phenylephrine solution. Ethanolic extract of NS seeds or control solution were given after reaching the plateu phase of the highest contraction. This study showed that the contraction response of the corpus cavernosum decreased after addition of NS extract and this action was increased with the addition of the extract concentration. This study concluded that NS seed ethanol extract affects the penile erection response directly through the relaxation of blood vessels in the corpus cavernosum.
2025 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1466 011001
Welcome to the proceedings of the ICESHISLM. The ICESHISLM 2024, International Conference on Environmental, Socio-Economic, and Health Impacts of Sustainable Land Management, is the third international conference on degraded and mining lands organized by the Soil Department Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Brawijaya. We are happy to present these selected papers that were presented at the conference held on October 1st – 2nd, 2024, in Malang City, East Java, Indonesia. The conference aims to discuss the crucial issues related to degraded and mining lands with many scientists and experts worldwide focusing on sustainable land management and land restoration to achieve a better world.
The manuscripts in this volume include a wide coverage of Sustainable Land Management topics, including Sustainable Land Management and Land Restoration for Food Security, Sustainable Land Management and Land Restoration for Resilient (Agro) Forest Ecosystems, Sustainable Land Management and Land Restoration to Support the Green Economy, Optimizing Integrated Approach and Smart Farming System for Restoring Land, Achieving Sustainable Land Management, and Sustainable Land Management for Healthy Life (Human, Livestock and Fishery) and Environmental. We received about 53 abstract submissions for the presentations and 23 full papers. Following the review processed by a panel of experts, 14 papers were selected for inclusion in the proceedings.
We gratefully thanked the editorial board member and the reviewers who dedicated their valuable time and expertise to ensure the quality of the papers, all authors who submitted their original research for presenting in this conference, and the members of the organizing committee for their work.
List of Editorial & Committee is available in the pdf.
2025 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1466 011002
All papers published in this volume have been reviewed through processes administered by the Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing.
• Type of peer review: Double Anonymous
• Conference submission management system: Morressier
• Number of submissions received: 23
• Number of submissions sent for review: 23
• Number of submissions accepted: 14
• Acceptance Rate (Submissions Accepted / Submissions Received × 100): 60.9
• Average number of reviews per paper: 2.69
• Total number of reviewers involved: 9
• Contact person for queries:
Name: Danny Dwi Saputra
Affiliation: Universitas Brawijaya
Sanudin and TS Widyaningsih 2025 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1466 012001
The population's need for food can be met by utilizing peatlands for food crop farming. This article aims to describe the potential and use of peatlands for food security in Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan Province. The research was conducted in Rasau Jaya Dua Village in August-October 2017 through interviews with 46 respondents, observations, and data updates in 2022. The research shows that the majority of the Rasau Jaya Dua Village people are transmigrants from Java who use peatlands for cultivating food plants in the form of vegetable plants (chili, green beans, corn) and fruit plants (pineapples and watermelon). The peatland used by the community for agricultural activities has a depth of ± 2 m. Farmers determine the type and number of plants mainly influenced by the area of land owned for agricultural activities and capital ownership. Farmers with large areas of land and a lot of capital ownership tend to apply polyculture rather than monoculture planting patterns.
Arega Dwi Putra et al 2025 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1466 012002
The conversion of natural forests for unsustainable agricultural land use continues, increasing the area of degraded land. Degraded lands can be reused for agriculture after reclaiming them using an agroforestry system (AF). Variation in plant species planted in an agroforestry system determines variation in canopy cover and in litter layer properties; litter is a source of energy for organisms while litter cover maintains soil moisture and supports the activity of soil microorganisms. This study evaluated the Microbial Biomass Carbon (MBC) content from various land use systems (LUS) with different levels of canopy cover, as an indicator of (top)soil health. The study was conducted in two places with volcanic soils: five land use systems (LUS) in Junggo village on the slopes of Mount Arjuno (Malang Regency, East Java) in 2023, and eight land use systems in two villages (Air Dingin and Sirukam) around Mount Talang (Solok Regency, West Sumatra) in 2024. Soil sampling at both study sites was carried out on plots measuring 20 × 20 m2 using a Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF) protocol for sampling and laboratory analysis. On the slopes of Mount Arjuno, monolith samples were from 5 points and 3 soil depths (0-10 cm, 10-20 cm and 20-30 cm) per plot. MBC in the second and third layer were on average 52% and 40% of that in the first layer. Around Mount Talang only the 0-10 cm layer was sampled, in 12 points per plot (CSM-BGBD protocol). Measurements at each LUS were carried out in three replications (different plots). MBC in the remnant forest in Solok was 82% higher (477 mg kg−1) than that in the mature agroforestry systems (AFMT). AFMT in both sites had an MBC of 262-270 mg kg−1, double to four times the value at the non-agroforestry annual cropping systems (68-150 mg kg−1), and 33% higher than that of the Imperata grasslands in Solok. Agroforestry reclamation may lead to an initial drop in MBC, followed by recovery to the level of the grasslands. The MBC data align with canopy cover and its associated litter input as determinant of soil health.
L S Aldini et al 2025 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1466 012003
Conversion of natural forests to agricultural land or other uses is still common in tropical regions. However, over time, when agriculture productivity decreases, land will be abandoned of fallowed by farmers. Agroforestry with dense tree canopy cover can reduce the population of Imperata cylindrica (alang-alang), increasing organic material input from litter and dead roots followed by a higher density of soil organisms. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the role of agroforestry in improving soil health in Imperata grassland by evaluating earthworm density as an indicator. This research was conducted in July-August 2024 in the Solok Regency, West Sumatra on Andisols at approximately 1500 m above sea level. We measured the microclimate, canopy cover, basal area, standing litter, as well as earthworm diversity and population density. Earthworm sampling was done using the monolith technique from TSBF (Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility). Land currently under annual crops was compared with Imperata grassland, grassland plots converted to coffee-based agroforestry systems 1-3, 4-6 or >7 years ago, old multistrata agroforestry system (AFMT), and remnant secondary forest in the same landscape. The results showed that earthworm densities were highest in AFMT, less than half as much in the Imperata grasslands and close to zero in currently cropped land, but also in the remnant secondary forest. Conversion of grassland to agroforestry appears to initially (1-4 years) reduce earthworm populations before they recover, but populations don't reach the AFMT level in 5-7 year old plots. A number of relationships was explored that may help understand these results. Old multistrata agroforestry system (AFMT) have a canopy cover od 47% (compared to 69% for the remnant forest) and increase humidity and reduced air and soil temperature compared to open [ields. Standing litter necromass was highest in AFMT, followed by agroforestation of Imperata grasslands. Within these results, earthworm presence is not related to tree basal area or canopy cover, but variation in standing litter accounts for 28% of variation in earthworm numbers. Reclaiming degraded Imperata grassland land with an agroforestry system is effective, as it increases land cover, provides high litter inputs, and creates habitats for earthworms, thereby improving soil health.